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Abah, Thanks for everything :*
Assalammualaikum and Hello....

Harini 7/8 birthday my babah. Genap 52 tahun. Malam tadi kitorang dah celebrate birthday abah dah. Angah ada balik tuu pergi celebrate awal sikit. Selama 52 tahun ni abah dah jadi abah terbaikk untuk kitorang semua selama 31 tahun. Abah dah jaga kitorang sebaik mungkin. Kami hargai abah.

Abah thanks sebab dah jaga Adik, Along, Angah, Alang dan Abang Roy. Kitorang dah membesar dengan baik Alhamdulillah. Kami semua sayang abah. Terutamanya ibu. Lagi lah sayang abah. Hahaha. Semoga abah dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur untuk ada bersama kami lagi. SELAMAT HARI JADI ABAH. Kami anak anak abah sayang abah sangat sangat.

MUHAMMAD RASID BIN DAHLAN you are the best father in the world. The greatest father for us. Always there for us. We love you abah.

Happy Birthday abah. We love you abah. So much :*

Assalammualaikum and Hello. This is mine not yours. Just call me Cik Bambam :) Thankyou for coming. Dont forget to follow okay.



Skin made by Hafiz Zulkafly . Edit by CIK BAMBAM KACAK . I GOT THE BACKGROUND FROM Dolliecrave . Other image from We♥it and special thanks to Mr.Google cause help me .